2024 Counselors

19 lovely counselors

19 de nuestros increíbles consejeros. No aparecen en la foto: Dani Quezada, Brian Rokus y Shubham Saharan

PSJP Counselors help provide high-quality, dynamic, personalized support to participants during the summer and academic year. During the summer, journalists and alumni of all ages stay on campus and spend the days with students. In addition to logistical support, they facilitate workshops and discussion groups, guide students through their reporting assignments, give advice about the college admissions process and generally participate in programming alongside the students every day. During the academic year, counselors serve as college advisors through every aspect of the college admissions process.

Please note that some counselors join the program for the summer, only, and do not advise students through the admissions process. Some serve only as college counselors during the academic year, but do not stay on campus as "camp" counselors during the summer. Many do both!